“Drawn By The Light” my new book is published

Published today on Amazon

I am so thankful to all of you for your tremendous faith in me and your encouragement to write this book. The book was over a year in the making. Just as I started to plan my book tour, Covid-19 hit and well you know… what happened next.

Some of you who have been reading my blog, know that I have had some medical problems, but I won’t let that get me down. I am ready for my book tour and the first engagement is the Prescott Book Fair on November 13th on the 3rd floor of the ELKS THEATER. I will be signing your books then.

Meanwhile, if you cozy on up to my book and enjoy it, I would love a recommendation on Amazon.

Here is the link on Amazon for “Drawn By The Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JRD6JJJ?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860

Keep on keeping on,


A Byte from my Book

Part 1

“Finding The Light”

I wanted to be a famous artist,

and I asked my father how to become one.

My father use to say,

“The light makes the painting.

Follow the light, and you will find fame”

I love to garden,
and as I watch my plants stretch toward the direction of the light,
I see how my life has followed the same path.

This book is not simply about the life of an artist, but I intend for it to be a self-help book, and a book of hope. With an MA in Counseling Psychology and many years of experience in helping others put their lives back together, I speak and write to you through the things I have learned.

I saw that people who had broken spirits rarely picked themselves up. A single reflection of hope, in many cases, could be the trigger to make all the difference to them. It is therefore little wonder that I try to find that spark of hope in all that I do.

As an acrylic artist, the themes of hope and positive energy carry through all my work. I choose to paint art that is full of movement, positive-energy, and color to uplift my spirit and the spirits of others.
So I bring together here the elements of art and life to bring you hope.

Through the descriptive form of writing and the visual form of my art, I offer to you my thoughts on the importance of light, and of ‘the Light’. In my new book “Drawn By The Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces”


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It’s been a long haul

“Cityscape” 16″X16″ Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas

It’s been quite some time since I have sat down to write a blog post, that must mean that I’m back.

“On May 21st a Thursday night, I started my longest dark space; when I lost my creative drive, my mental health and my will to live. I was heading to bed after a full and robust day when I tripped and fell backwards and broke my right femur and right hip.  I heard the snap and felt the pain immediately. Tom wanted to help me up but I asked for my phone to call 911.  With in minutes the fire truck and paramedics where at my door, they were all in masks, yet I knew what they were thinking, “this old lady is in for a long haul”. I was put on a gurney, and  delivered to the Emergency Room at our local hospital.  

X-rays confirmed I indeed broke my femur and hip, and this would be a brutal surgery. I was given opiates for pain and wheeled to a room and waited twenty-four hours till I was wheeled into the surgical theater. My surgeon said five other patients had broken their hips that same evening, so I was the last scheduled for surgery; and there wasn’t even a full moon…”

An excerpt from my new book “Drawn By The Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces”

I had hopes that this book would have been published the fall of 2020, now I will launch closer to fall of 2021. God took things in his own hands and wanted me to have some humility, I thought I could breeze through this accident. Then things happened and they never ended until March of 2021. Many days in the hospital without visitors and than a rehabilitation center without visitors; A second more lengthy stay in the hospital without visitors, all due to Covid restrictions. Then a change of Lifestyle and diet, and six weeks of physical outpaient therapy. Now I feel like I can join the living once again. I am still on a cane with occasional pain and exhaustion but with a whole new attitude. I am grateful for all the prayers and well wishes by all you wonderful people. I have delighted in the cards and flowers, and felt every prayer that covered me with grace. I am especially thankful to my children and husband who shared their love and hope with me.

Ever the Artist and Optimist I will be back at the easel soon. The painting above is a favorite of mine that I painted several years ago. That night of the accident, as I was under the influence of a cocktail of drugs given by the EMT’s, I remember the the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles and how they bounced off the windows and doors of the ER; It brought me back to my painting, “Cityscape”.


One week in and many more to come.


Winter Moon

Ok, most of us have made it through the first week of quarantine. We have discovered that a small unseen virus has challenged how we go about living. Along with the social distancing and the late winter snow storm I am feeling especially isolated. My routine of journaling on the deck, no matter what the weather, has gotten me a cold. So now I am sick as well.

I have noticed how quiet everything is. Not many cars traveling on our street or the sounds of construction in our neighborhood. People are not walking in small groups, so the chatter has faded. It’s a good time to hear the conversations of the birds playing in the bushes. It’s a promise of things to come and that nature keeps on humming along. Even our Bradford Pear Tree has survived the heavy snow, albeit a few less branches. It gives me hope that after this season of darkness we will find the light again.

As I resume writing this week, here is another snippet form my book, “Drawn by the Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces” that I know will bring you hope.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: Seasons come and go and sometimes you may linger in them for long periods of time. Sometimes if you stop and listen you will hear a knock; just open the door.”

If you are interested in getting on my waiting list for a copy of my book CLICK HERE.

Forgiven, another byte from my book



“Forgiven” 8″ x 8″ Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas 

Writing my book has been very cathartic. When you review your life as Chapters in a book, like I am doing, you begin to see the whole picture; the good, the bad, and the ugly. I ask myself, “Do I really want to make this public?”

My answer is “yes, a resounding YES”; if my transparency helps one person identify with my strengths and weaknesses. As a former therapist my words may help that person step out of their own dark space and forgive themself and love themself, and through that transformation become a new person.

An excerpt from my book Drawn by the Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces: “When you venture into a dark space, say a cave, the smallest spark will create the brightest light. We can’t always predict or know why life takes us into dark spaces, but when they come it is the greatest time of growth. Those of us who come out of dark spaces are transformed into new people, and we find the light”

As I write this book I am sharing excerpts and paintings that will be in my book. The painting above is calledForgiven”. If you want to follow along and are not on my mailing list you can sign up HERE and receive a free digital download of one of my paintings, or just scroll below and you will also find a link.

A New Book Is Coming




“As I begin my story and describe an important first picture, I will take a moment to paint the background. When one thinks of creating a new painting, the background is the first thing that needs to be laid down. With the appropriate background, the things in the foreground are noticed more easily.” An excerpt from my new work in progress. “Drawn by the Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces.”

After five years of procrastination I have finally hired an editor and started working on my book. For the longest time I did not know how to start. Fear can stop you dead in your tracks. This year I promised myself that I would be unstoppable, so here I am. Six Chapters in to my faith journey and how it has influenced my art. This is the tentative Cover.

It will be a beautiful book, full of art and hope. Release date should be sometime in July.
