My Secret World.. things happen for a reason.

Secret World 24" T X 20"W Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas

“Secret World”, 24″ T X 20″W , Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas

In my meditations there is a secret world where I go to envision myself. This world is full of energy, sparks of ideas and promises of creativity. This dynamic place transports me into my future… and I am free.

“Secret World” is one of my favorite pieces that I did in 2014.  It is now going to a new home in Ludington, Michigan many miles from its home on my studio wall in Prescott, Arizona.  The story of how it sold is quite magical, things happen for a reason.

"Following The Moon"

“Following The Moon”

The above painting “Following the Moon” was hung in my show “A Straight Line Curved”, that is running in the spotlight room at Mountain Artists Gallery in Prescott. I hung the show on July 15th but opening nite was July 24th.  Between that time it mysteriously fell off the wall and was punctured.  The gallery called me about the damages and asked if I would replace the painting with another.  So I brought in, You guessed it, “Secret World”.

When looking at the whole presentation I knew that “Secret World” should have been my first choice.  It really worked much better with the theme of the show and the energy on the walls.  A summer visitor to the area, came opening nite and fell in love with it, bought it and after the show it will be sent to her home in Michigan, which happens to be my home state.

All is well in my magical world of intention, love and higher self.  My painting has found it’s for ever home.  I am blessed and so is my collector.

A Straight Line Curved

A Straight Line Curved

“A Straight Line Curved” now hanging in the Spotlight Room at Mountain Artists Gallery

I have been silent for a while because I have been in the studio creating beautiful and soul-searching works for my new exhibit “A Straight Line Curved”.  It was a work of love.  The Intent for me behind this new exhibit with my friend and glass artist Patty Lindsey, is to radiate through my writing and art that any who might read these words and see these works of art will feel moved to spread love into the world.

All of my works have a small descriptive paragraph of my thoughts and feelings behind the creativity.  My intent is to draw the observer into the painting and feel the emotions that I have seeded into each work of art.  Fifteen of my most beautiful pieces are on display.

Patty’s glass art is such a lovely complement to my pieces and it has been a real pleasure to exhibit with her.  As one artist I truly admire, Deanne Brewster, wrote to Patty and I, “Congrats on a great Spotlight Room show.  I sat the gallery on Saturday and was able to absorb what you two have created.  Spectacular.”

The shows opening nite is this Friday July 24th, from 5pm-7pm, At Mountain Artist Guild and Gallery in Prescott, AZ.

Thanks everyone for all your support and belief in my talents.  I hope to see as many of you as possible on Friday night.

Visit my website.
