It’s been a long haul

“Cityscape” 16″X16″ Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas

It’s been quite some time since I have sat down to write a blog post, that must mean that I’m back.

“On May 21st a Thursday night, I started my longest dark space; when I lost my creative drive, my mental health and my will to live. I was heading to bed after a full and robust day when I tripped and fell backwards and broke my right femur and right hip.  I heard the snap and felt the pain immediately. Tom wanted to help me up but I asked for my phone to call 911.  With in minutes the fire truck and paramedics where at my door, they were all in masks, yet I knew what they were thinking, “this old lady is in for a long haul”. I was put on a gurney, and  delivered to the Emergency Room at our local hospital.  

X-rays confirmed I indeed broke my femur and hip, and this would be a brutal surgery. I was given opiates for pain and wheeled to a room and waited twenty-four hours till I was wheeled into the surgical theater. My surgeon said five other patients had broken their hips that same evening, so I was the last scheduled for surgery; and there wasn’t even a full moon…”

An excerpt from my new book “Drawn By The Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces”

I had hopes that this book would have been published the fall of 2020, now I will launch closer to fall of 2021. God took things in his own hands and wanted me to have some humility, I thought I could breeze through this accident. Then things happened and they never ended until March of 2021. Many days in the hospital without visitors and than a rehabilitation center without visitors; A second more lengthy stay in the hospital without visitors, all due to Covid restrictions. Then a change of Lifestyle and diet, and six weeks of physical outpaient therapy. Now I feel like I can join the living once again. I am still on a cane with occasional pain and exhaustion but with a whole new attitude. I am grateful for all the prayers and well wishes by all you wonderful people. I have delighted in the cards and flowers, and felt every prayer that covered me with grace. I am especially thankful to my children and husband who shared their love and hope with me.

Ever the Artist and Optimist I will be back at the easel soon. The painting above is a favorite of mine that I painted several years ago. That night of the accident, as I was under the influence of a cocktail of drugs given by the EMT’s, I remember the the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles and how they bounced off the windows and doors of the ER; It brought me back to my painting, “Cityscape”.



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4 thoughts on “It’s been a long haul

  1. Debbie Simon says:

    Very moving Pam. As you know you and I have a lot in common. I am so happy that you have come through this with a new view and attitude toward life. I look forward to hearing more.

  2. Terri Doran says:

    I had no idea this happened to you.I am so sorry this happened to you. You are very articulate and I am looking forward to your book.

  3. echodesignz says:

    Glad to hear things are improving, Pam. Had no idea you were going thru this. I had a similar experience beginning last February after dropping a very heavy glass table top on my leg which became severely infected weeks later, was admitted for emergency surgery and almost lost the leg. This led to numerous additional health issues and caused already existing ones to escalate. During this time, I became malnourished, dropping under 100 lbs. It was uncertain if I would survive the related trauma, but started to gradually improve several months ago. I am incredibly grateful for each bit of progress. I’m also walking with a cane, but continue to get stronger, eating well and have gained 15 lbs. Hugs and many prayers for continued improvement! Deb Thurston

    • Dunmire Studios says:

      Deb, I have been following your journey on FB, I know how you feel, one thing leads to another. We should have some green tea together and compare notes.

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