A New Book Is Coming




“As I begin my story and describe an important first picture, I will take a moment to paint the background. When one thinks of creating a new painting, the background is the first thing that needs to be laid down. With the appropriate background, the things in the foreground are noticed more easily.” An excerpt from my new work in progress. “Drawn by the Light, Finding Strength in Dark Spaces.”

After five years of procrastination I have finally hired an editor and started working on my book. For the longest time I did not know how to start. Fear can stop you dead in your tracks. This year I promised myself that I would be unstoppable, so here I am. Six Chapters in to my faith journey and how it has influenced my art. This is the tentative Cover.

It will be a beautiful book, full of art and hope. Release date should be sometime in July.





“Manzanita” 12″ X 9″ original acrylic on vellum paper, matted in white to 16″ X 12″   $75.00

One of my favorite things at the break of daylight is to look out my bedroom window at the wild Manzanita that grows in the rocky terrace of my hillside yard. I have this amazing view from my bed. It starts my day off being reassured that the wilderness that I love surrounds me and it brings me present with nature.

Those of us who are fortunate enough to live in Prescott value the scenic views that surround our mountain town. I love to capture small snippets of the views to create my paintings. These Manzanita bushes tell their own story of survival in this arid landscape. It amazes me how they can continue to blossom even when we come into draught. They radiate a message of hope, that when I am in a Draught of Creativity if I focus on the positive beauty around me,  soon I will find the answers.

This is the second painting of the 2020 year done as an “Early Morning Study” This painting was first started last year but never finished, set aside and abandoned. This year I chose to give it new life, new meaning, just as it’s real counterpart growing outside my bedroom window, it becomes a survivor. A reminder to me and you that no matter what, hope is always present. You just need to imagine it.


For more Early Morning Studies