WHAT COLOR AM I, or another way to define who I am.


Far away Lands  24″ X 24″ ON Gallery Wrap Canvas

Any of you who use Facebook are familiar with those quizzes that alway pop up on your feed.  One in particular is what color are you.  As if they can really tell you this with a five question quiz.  Then in an artists group that I belong to we were asked to describe ourselves by color, scent, taste, and sound in other words by our senses. But it did get me thinking that there are many ways to describe oneself, and to better understand oneself.

So here goes… I am going to describe myself in a way that you may see me, understand me, and see what feeds the inspiration for my art.

I am the color Turquoise, grounded in the Southwest, calm in spirit but full of positive energy. A bit wild like a mustang, yet solid as the mesas that watch over this land. My soul is deep and those that meet me can feel it. Purple is my secondary color, I am deeply spiritual, a friend of justice. Mother Earth is where my energy comes from; in nature is where I would rather be. I am a loner at times, a deep thinker, a true friend, and honest to the fault. I am not to everyone’s liking, but loyal to those who are my tribe. I am spicy with lots of warmth, kind of like the spice Cumin. My scent is sage after a rain, earthy, friendly, someone who makes you feel at home. My melody would be an anthem, ringing out the praises of God. Lastly my touch is soft and free flowing like my art.

So there you have it. Can you see me now?  Creating beauty one painting at a time…


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